So you sell hats. No really, you sell hats (work with me, this is a hypothetical). And your hats are great. I mean they are styling pieces of modern art that any sane and savvy person would be thrilled to have perched on their melon. You have a store (pardon me, a haberdashery), and that haberdashery does pretty well. But you have the nagging suspicion that you could be reaching more people. So you hop on Facebook to ask your friends about ways to increase your business, and bam! A light bulb switches on above your naugahyde fedora… Social media! Search marketing! Heavenly solutions to online sales here on Earth!
So now you know what to do. But do you know how to do it? Of course not. You sell hats. So just like 93 percent of all online users, the first thing you do is an Internet search, and after some quick research you discover this thing called professional Seo reseller programs. You call around, and you find someone to ask your question. “How can I send my online sales into the stratosphere?”
Your friendly SEO online sales guru informs you that most social media marketers can help track fans and followers on sites like Facebook and Twitter, but that on average most companies ignore all but a third of their social media followers. You are flabbergasted. How can they ignore such a rich potential crop of online sales? Your guru commiserates. She then drops an even bigger bombshell. The search engine industry has a value of about $16 billion (with a B!), and almost 90 percent of users fourteen and older researched and browsed products online in 2012.
“How can I get me some of that?” you ask, salivating at the thought of all the hats… so many hats…
The guru then goes on to describe what an SEO reseller plan can do for your online sales, by optimizing your website content and design to catch the eye of a whole new crop of yearning and potentially hatless clients. They ask you if that sounds like something you might be interested in. And you say heck yeah! (Or something like that, but more exuberant and less printable.) Because you realize the importance of social media and search marketing. Because you realize the impact it can have on your online sales. Because you, my friend, are one smart haberdasherist.
Almost 90% of 14+ people searched and researched online in 2012? That number has GOT to be even bigger now.
Almost 90% of 14+ people searched and researched online in 2012? That number has GOT to be even bigger now.
Almost 90% of 14+ people searched and researched online in 2012? That number has GOT to be even bigger now.
Almost 90% of 14+ people searched and researched online in 2012? That number has GOT to be even bigger now.
Almost 90% of 14+ people searched and researched online in 2012? That number has GOT to be even bigger now.
Almost 90% of 14+ people searched and researched online in 2012? That number has GOT to be even bigger now.