Every child fears some thing. Children are afraid of doctors, dentists, scary monsters and the deep. There is nothing wrong with having one or two fears. If you start to observe your child’s fearful behavior, it could be the right time to consult with the doctor. It is distinct from fear in the sense that it can pop into social settings or hampers the child’s ability to enjoy life as a normal. In this clip, we will explore several of the indicators of anxiety in children as well as what you can do to help as a parent.
When listening is an essential step to easing anxiety, it’s crucial to be there for your child. But, it is important to be the one to lead the conversation. Talk to your child about the kind of anxieties they experience and how they are feeling. Make an effort to reduce those worries and let them know that being anxious about certain things can be normal. But not when it causes you stress. Check in on them, and do not leave them to navigate this new feeling alone. If further steps are needed It could be time to have an appointment with your child’s doctor for help in addressing the issue.