Learn about the main types of emergency generators as well as what they could do to help you.
The initial type of emergency generators is gas-powered. This kind of generator may be used to power only a limited number of appliances for example, microwaves or refrigerator.
Installed permanently is the second emergency generator, which can be either natural gas- or propane-powered. When power is turned on, the emergency generator automatically switches to generator energy. It then switches back when it’s restored. They are windstorm rated up to 100 mph since they are outdoors permanently.
Which type of generator you pick will be determined by the needs you have, but either way, you can continue doing the tasks you need to at home during times when there is no power. It includes cooking, operating the air conditioner, keeping the refrigerator cool, running the sump pump, and even keeping your security system live.
Take a look at the video to know more!